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Trowals are associated with elevated convective precipitation, which can give low visibility and high accumulations on the ground.



A trough of warm air aloft is the result of surface fronts colliding with each other, forcing clouds associated with each into the atmosphere. The warm air from the warm sector gets lifted into the air and wraps around the back side of the low-pressure system leaving mainly cold/cool air at the surface.

Associated terms coming soon:

Dewpoint and low-pressure system are terms associated with a trowal that will be coming soon to the Aviation Meteorology Reference.



Trowals will dissipate as they precipitate out all of the moisture that has been lifted. Since this is a region of continuous lift, however, this can often take quite a long time. This warm air also cools as it generates precipitation, gradually weakening the temperature difference between the warm air aloft and the cool/cold air below it, which weakens the strength of the trowal itself. Not only this, but trowals often get caught in the circulation around a low and curl around it. As this warmer air gets wrapped around the dissipating low-pressure system, it mixes with the circulating air and becomes less defined.


A trowal can exist for up to several days at a time, especially with particularly long surface fronts. A large relative temperature difference between the cold air and cool air ahead of the cold front can sustain the trowal precipitation for a long period of time. Very broad low-pressure systems with fronts will also tend to generate larger trowals.

While trowals are generally quite easily distinguished on satellite imagery, their existence in the mid-levels can make them difficult to place exactly ahead of time. With few upper air observations over Canada at limited intervals, discerning the exact shape of the mid-levels can be difficult.

Occasionally, precipitation types can be difficult to discern under a trowal due to the intermixing of several air masses. Depending on the relative temperature and depth of the cool and cold air, rain/snow mixes can often be observed below the trowal. Freezing precipitation can also be a risk depending on the depth and temperature of the cold air at the surface, which can be difficult to verify in real time, especially over more remote locations.

As they are broad in scale, they are generally well captured and resolved by numerical guidance, but due to their narrow nature, if the predicted track is miscalculated, it can greatly alter precipitation forecasts for particular regions over which the trowal was or was not expected to pass.


A trowal in of itself may not be a hazard, but weather phenomena associated with it, such as freezing rain or ice pellets, may be. For more information, please see the associated terms in the meteorology section.

Service Providers

Operations Duty Managers

Trowals are considered in the same way as other frontal boundaries.

  • GFAs, TAFs, and forecaster notes are consulted to determine the forecast weather expected with the passage of the trowal. Focus is given to all phenomena that may lead to impacts on operations, including but not limited to convective activity, freezing precipitation, and wind shifts.

Little differentiation would be made between a trowal and a warm front. NTMU would concentrate on the weather specifically associated with the trowal, looking at precipitation, visibility, winds and ceilings and thunderstorm activity, if any.


This feature brings significant precipitation with it, and so specialists will keep an eye on how the trowal develops. Depending on which season is occurring, the precipitation can include embedded thunderstorms, as well as wide-spread reduced visibilities and locally reduced ceilings (resulting from precipitation-induced airmass saturation forming mist or fog).


Advisory specialists don’t deal in mesoscale/synoptic scale weather features as such, we are more concerned with the weather phenomena associated with them.


Dispatchers are generally familiar with the term and are able to identify a trowal by weather symbology. The theory behind a trough is also understood and the expectation is for active weather which could mean anything from low ceilings, precipitation and a risk for thunderstorms. A trough is generally seen as a feather feature that brings about weather and is not seen particularly different from a warm or cold front. 

This type of item on a GFA forecast would require more digging from a planning perspective. However, general aviation (GA) pilots don’t think too much about the difference between a trowel and the other fronts. One of the reasons for this is due to complexity and confusion when initially learning about it during flight training. Another reason is that rather than knowing about the differences most pilots will just look at the weather forecast products and get a FIC weather briefing to have an idea of what conditions to expect because of the trowal. While the difference between a cold front and warm front can be significant in terms of planning a flight or flying near it, a trowal will likely produce varying degrees of precipitation and cloud level and a GA pilot will be more concerned with these specifics than the knowledge of what type of front is occurring and what conditions it will produce. A trowal can mean poor wind conditions at the surface, which would impact which lakes you can get in and out of on which days. It’s not an immediate “no-go” but it requires more information on associated phenomena before proceeding.