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About us

Who we are

NAV CANADA’s Aviation Meteorology Reference initiative was founded by the company’s Weather Application Team (WAT), a sub-working group of the Traffic Management Unit Best Practices Working Group (TMUBP WG), in a collaborative industry-wide partnership with users, customers, and stakeholders. This educational reference guide showcases weather as it relates directly to aviation.

Our Contributors

The creation of the Aviation Meteorology Reference has relied heavily on collaborating with frontline subject matter experts across the aviation industry. The content on this website is entirely drawn from their expertise and experience and is intended to help break down the highly specialized nature of the industry and serve as an overarching knowledge resource for us all.

The Aviation Meteorology Reference was made possible thanks to contributions from subject matter experts from the following agencies, professions, groups:

  • Meteorological Service of Canada
  • Airport authorities
  • Flight service and flight information centre specialists
  • Air traffic controllers, including major and regional towers, terminal, low, and high-level enroute
  • National Traffic Management Unit
  • Operational Duty Managers
  • Commercial Flight Dispatchers
  • Commercial Pilots
  • General Aviation Pilots

These partnerships are the cornerstone to the website's success and we hope this group of weather and professionals continues to grow. If you are interested in contributing, please contact us at

Help us improve the Aviation Meteorology Reference

If you have questions, feedback or would like to contribute information to the Aviation Meteorology Reference, please contact NAV CANADA's Weather Applications Team at

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