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Aircraft icing is a significant danger to the aviation industry, as different kinds and intensities of ice/contaminants build up can affect the aerodynamics, performance, as well as functionality of instruments on the aircraft.



In aviation, icing conditions are atmospheric conditions that can cause ice to form on an aircraft.


Naturally, icing conditions are found more predominantly in late fall, winter and early spring, when temperatures are coldest, especially when linked to freezing precipitation types.

In-cloud icing conditions in Canada can persist through most of the year, but as surface temperatures increase, one must ascend higher into the atmosphere to find temperatures between 0oC and -15oC.

In-cloud icing conditions can be difficult to forecast as the size and content of supercooled liquid water can vary greatly within a cloud in space and time. On the GFA you will see icing conditions most often forecast in organized cloud areas that meet the temperature range between 0°C and -15°C as well as with freezing drizzle, ice pellets and freezing rain.

More difficult is timing the exact timing and location of precipitation that will generate icing conditions on the ground, primarily FZRA and PL. Knowing the exact depth and placement of the above freezing level at altitude can be difficult for models to resolve, and observations from upper air soundings and AMDARs are not always well placed or timely, in order to properly capture the shape of this feature. This problem is further exacerbated in regions with few observations, few PIREPs, and no radar.


Ice or snow accretion on an aircraft on the ground will require that aircraft to be de-iced prior to take off per the Canadian Aviation Regulation which states “No person shall conduct or attempt to conduct a take-off in an aircraft that has frost, ice or snow adhering to any of its critical surfaces.”

Ice accretion on an aircraft in flight can affect many aspects of flight. If ice accretes on critical surfaces (such as the wings, control surfaces, rotors, propellers, horizontal stabilizers or vertical stabilizers) the ice will disturb the laminar flow of air over these surfaces. When air moving over critical surfaces is disturbed in icing conditions, this leads to a decrease in the lift wings can produce and a decrease of control of the aircraft since rudders, ailerons and elevators will not perform as normal. The ice will also add weight to the aircraft and produce additional drag, decreasing the performance of the aircraft, possibly leading to loss of lift and increasing the risk of a stall/accident. Its impact is entirely dependent on icing type, accretion rate, aircraft type, and deicing capabilities on-board.

Ice can also accrete on the windshield of the aircraft which will limit visibility, on the instruments of the aircraft which could give false readings and on radio antenna which would affect communications.

How an aircraft is impacted by icing conditions during flight will depend on many factors including, but not limited to:

  • The onboard de-icing/anti-icing equipment – The use of this equipment (boots, de-icing fluid, heating systems, etc) can either help to stop ice from accumulating on critical surfaces of an aircraft or break existing ice off of critical surfaces.
  • The speed of the aircraft – Slower aircraft will remain in icing conditions longer than faster aircraft.
  • The size of the aircraft – Larger aircraft simply have more surface on which supercooled liquid water can stick.
  • The type of aircraft – Helicopters and turbo-prop aircraft are more affected by icing conditions since ice can freeze on rotor blades/propellers affecting the possible thrust of the aircraft.
  • The experience of the pilot – Being able to recognize quickly that you are flying in icing conditions and getting out of those conditions is critical in the impacts experienced.
  • The duration in icing conditions – Similar to above, the key with in-flight icing conditions is to get out of them quickly, often by changing altitudes to get out of the cloud that is most prone to icing.
  • The severity of the icing conditions – Icing is defined as either light, moderate or severe.

Service Providers

Operations Duty Managers

Aircraft that have difficulty handling in flight icing will be rerouted based on pilot requests.

Primary tools for ICG are the GFA Hazard panels.

Potential icing conditions are included in weather briefings to ATC unit supervisors, and strategic planning discussions occur when forecasts indicate icing that may potentially impact operations and ATC workload. Units that are most often impacted are low-level enroute and terminal.

    • When icing occurs or is forecast to occur during periods of maximum throughput at a major airport, particular attention is paid to airborne holding capabilities in the enroute/at bedposts and spacing requirements to maintain proper separation.
    • Reduction of AAR due to increased spacing or lack of airborne holding capacity in significant weather may lead to TMI implementation should demand exceed the resultant capacity.

      Icing will have little effect on the NTMU in the forecast unless sectors start to advise that aircraft are refusing certain altitudes due to icing.

      ATC (Major Tower)

      • It is mainly the terminal (arrival) that passes this information to the pilots because the departing aircraft already have the anti-icing product applied to the ground because of the precipitation.
      • On departure, aircraft will adopt a steeper climb (VNAP-ALPHA) to climb through the icing faster. This can affect initial separation.
      • Aircraft are usually faster on approach.
      • In icing conditions, runway occupancy time can increase which impacts the spacing that is required to maintain safe operations both in the air and on the ground. Increases in spacing will lower the AAR for any given hour, leading to possible TMIs when demand exceeds the airport’s capacity.

      ATC (Regional Tower)

      • Significant reduction of general aviation pilots on days with icing in the forecast/observed.
      • Information on icing is provided to crews upon departure.

      Icing is such a threat to safety, that even its potential presence demands heightened vigilance from FSS. There are agreements at a number of airports, at which the Duty Weather Observer FSS will immediately call the local maintenance garage to advise of any freezing precipitation starting at the field, whether forecast or not. FICs also can be involved, as they can provide warning through immediate dissemination of urgent PIREP or related SIGMET to aerodromes downstream of the FZRA event. 

      For most pilots of light aircraft, the presence of FZDZ or FZRA at point of departure, enroute or destination means delay or cancellation of the flight. For commercial operators, the presence of effective anti-icing equipment, such as “Hot Wings” on Boeing and Airbus aircraft, may enable safe operation under such conditions. This is a decision which each pilot must make for themselves, but FSS are trained to emphasize the presence of the threat to ALL customers. 

      Increased possibility of altitudes becoming unusable. For example, descending aircraft do not want to level off at 4000ft, which reduces the options available to the controller.

      • Possibility of significant increase in communications with pilots: requests for speed/altitude changes, and passing of information regarding reported icing.
      • We must also consider that even if an aircraft accepts a level off at the altitude affected, it could ask to leave it in a hurry, which could cause the controller's plan to fail. The end result is the reduction of usable airspace, which can impact the number of aircraft that can safely be sequenced through terminal. This reduction can lead to increased airborne holds in the enroute, which can be problematic if icing conditions are extensive in coverage.
      • For CYUL, since our terminal is quite small, the cloud layers will often be “all at the same place” throughout most of the terminal. That is to say, if an aircraft reports some moderate or severe icing in cloud between 8000ft and 6000ft, chances are that most aircraft in the terminal will experience icing at those altitudes.

      Icing has a huge impact on our work. We don’t have many aircraft “cruising at a level altitude” in the terminal, so it’s hard to simply “avoid an altitude and use another one”, because all aircraft are transiting through all our available altitudes. We also tend to get more severe icing than severe turbulence. A few additional points:

      • If for example there is icing between 8000ft and 6000ft, then we need to dynamically change our usual departure/arrival “altitude separations”. Arrivals coming into Montreal terminal are cleared to 8000ft by the previous sector, and they will descend and level at 8000ft until we give them lower, near the airport. We keep them at 8000ft because the departures will be stopped at 7000ft under them, that’s how we cross arrivals and departures most of the time.
      • However, if there is icing between 8000ft and 6000ft, we can’t do that anymore. The departing aircraft will NOT want to stay level at 7000ft to cross traffic, as they will be level in icing for 1 to 3 mins. Likewise, the arrivals will NOT want to descend to 8000ft. In this case, we will often re-clear the arrivals to 9000ft only, and stop the departures at 5000ft. We will then only clear the arrivals lower once we can give them an altitude that is lower than the icing (6000ft in this case). Same thing for the departures. Basically, we will try to never assign a level off at the altitude where the icing is present.

      This has a big impact on our workload because the entire arrival vs departures procedure set is designed with specific altitude crossings in mind, so suddenly needing to change that adds an extra level of complexity to our work. Arrivals will be too high for their usual profile, and departures will either need to be vectored around so they can outclimb the arrivals (to avoid levelling off at 7000ft), or they will need to stay low (5000ft) for a very long time, both of which are unideal.

      If icing is severe at low altitudes near major airports, aircraft will want to climb at a rapid rate to pass through it and ATC will ensure that there are as few delays as possible in clearing them to higher altitudes.

      The main consequence of airborne icing for ATC is an increase in workload. When aircraft report icing in flight, it is the controller’s job to ensure that all future aircraft are provided the information.

      • It is understood that icing (moderate or more) can be dangerous to aircraft and, when given a PIREP, ATC will communicate with weather bureaus to get the PIREP published so the information can be shared more easily.
      • En-route controllers will pass information to a terminal controller (or vice-versa) so it can be given to pilots prior to entering icing conditions.

      Non-severe airborne icing does not have a serious impact on ATC operations in terms of delays in flight, but ATC frequencies can become more congested while passing and accumulating information and providing pilots with the option to fly at another altitude to avoid potential icing.

      Pilots will request altitude changes either to avoid icing or once they encounter it. The best practice for icing (or any severe weather) for ATC is to stay ahead of it. This means communicating with pilots before they have any requests and keeping them clear of any weather related issues.


      Icing can pose a serious hazard to aircraft operations and efforts are made to avoid it. Commercial aircraft are not certified to operate in areas of severe icing conditions and when this condition is present, flights are delayed or canceled.

      Icing that is not shed during the approach may need to be removed before the next departure. Clear icing tends to be the highest impact icing event associated especially with freezing rain at a major airport.

      Many products are used to forecast airborne icing:

      • GFAs
      • PIREPS (*in particular as they are real time reports from aircraft traversing a potentially hazardous area, both observed poor conditions and observed good conditions)
      • Aviation Weather CenterOpen a new window

      As defined, airborne icing is the accretion of ice or snow on the airframe. Typically, it will build up near a stagnation point, where the local velocity of the air flow is near zero: leading edge of the wing/horizontal and vertical stabilizer, nose of the aircraft, air probes, engine intake lid, engine spinner. Icing accretion will affect the four forces of flight. It will increase the weight of the aircraft, decrease the available power/thrust, increase the drag, and decrease the generated lift.

      Anti-icing capabilities vary based on aircraft type and on-board anti-icing components.

      • Turboprops have leading edge devices while jets are more likely to have heating components to remove ice in the same locations. 
      • Smaller and propeller aircrafts will be the most affected by airborne icing. Turbo propeller aircrafts will have more excess power in lower levels, the airfoil will be thicker (Dash-8/ATR-42 or 72), hence making them less vulnerable to airborne icing in comparison to smaller propeller aircrafts.
      • Airline jet aircrafts will be the less vulnerable to airborne icing because they have the thickest airfoil, they fly the fastest which heats up the leading edge of the wing, and they have more thrust available to climb through an area of significant icing. Icing protection systems for airline jet aircrafts will include an engine anti-ice which consists of hot bleed air sent to the intake lid, and hot bleed air sent to the leading edge of the wing. As opposed to smaller aircrafts, airline jet aircrafts don’t have any icing protection for the tail section, and only about 70% to 80% of the leading edge of the wing is heated.

      If the engine anti-icing equipment becomes overwhelmed by airborne icing, the airflow in the turbine will be disrupted, and a disrupted airflow thru a jet engine will result in a compressor stall: loud bang sound with erratic engine indications and possible streak of flames seen from the exhaust. While the usual remedy to a compressor stall is reducing the thrust on the engine, if caused by icing, the recommendation by aircraft manufacturers is to increase thrust to clear the ice.

      Ice accretion on the leading edges of the wings or tail can lead to an inability to maintain level flight or even worse, a stall. Tailplane stalls (stall of the horizontal stabilizer) can lead to a sudden and violent pitch change for the aircraft when/if this type of stall occurs at flap extension, which is done at close proximity to the ground. This lack of altitude leaves much less room for recovery and is the reason why such a situation can be dangerous and why pilots will properly plan to avoid it.

      Transport category aircraft are certified for flight in moderate icing conditions and are not certified for flight in severe icing conditions. Flight into known severe icing is not permitted and if encountered, the procedure is to exit the severe icing condition through a climb or descent immediately.

      • Aircraft anti-ice systems are turned on in all icing conditions and de-icing systems are turned on at the first indication of active icing. The first indication may be ice forming on visible portions of the aircraft or an indication from the aircraft ice detection systems.
      • Light icing is common at altitude when flying in cloud and no further action is required other than turning on the aircraft anti-ice and de-ice systems. Prolonged flight in cruise in moderate icing conditions is not desirable as the unprotected surfaces of the aircraft build up ice and the propellers may shed ice against the de-ice shields on the fuselage which makes noise and may chip paint off as well.
      • Changing altitudes is often required to exit moderate icing conditions.
      • Icing conditions during the descent, approach and landing require all aircraft systems to be turned on and applicable airspeed additives for icing conditions to be flown during the approach and accounted for in the Landing Distance Required calculation.

      The rate of catch of ice is always monitored to ensure it stays within the capabilities of the aircraft (not severe). A thickness of 3cm of icing would be the limit before being considered severe (see freezing rain discussion and reference to an Airbus document).

      • Aircraft manufacturers advise to not prolong flight in an effective icing accretion area if flaps are extended. The transition time during takeoff and landing is acceptable. If a very long vector or holding pattern is done at an altitude with significant icing conditions, airmanship would dictate that the pilots should ask for a different altitude to limit the ice accretion.

      For turboprops like the Dash 8 and ATR-42/72, we pay attention to icing conditions enroute and at destination. Flights aren’t typically cancelled or diverted unless severe icing is reported by an aircraft. For jet airliners, we will deal with icing as the situation arises. Flying an approach into a mountainous airport can increase the threat of airborne icing because the vertical extent of significant icing can be increased from orographic effect, and the mechanism of water droplet growth can be more effective when compared to occurrences over flat terrain.

      Airborne icing could affect ground operations. If the inbound aircraft accretes icing effectively on the approach, residual icing can stay on the leading edge of unheated surfaces (horizontal and vertical stabilizer, unheated section of the wing, leading edge of flaps, the engine’s spinner). This accreted icing will need to be removed before the next flight.

      • Airborne icing can have a major impact on safety for General Aviation pilots. Even the smallest accumulation of ice can be a severe hazard. More details about this can be found in freezing rain, freezing drizzle, and ice pellets terms. 
      • Icing will be an important part of flight planning for VFR flights, because most of aircrafts that needs to fly VFR aren’t equipped with de-icing or anti-icing system, or if they have icing protection systems, those aircrafts are the most vulnerable to significant icing (moderate to severe icing). GFAs and FIC interpretive weather briefings will be of great help to plan around icing areas.