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A thunderstorm in the vicinity of an aerodrome carries the same hazards as a thunderstorm (such as hail, strong downdrafts, and lightning), without necessarily impacting the terminal itself. 



VCTS is a term used in TAFs to describe thunderstorm situations where there is high regional confidence of occurrence of thunderstorms but a corresponding low probability at the aerodrome itself. For regional sites, VCTS refers to thunderstorms that will occur more than 5SM away from the terminal but within a 10SM radius. At hub airports where the terminal area covers a larger region, the term VCTS must also cover a larger region, being outside of 5SM but within 45SM.



Hazards of VCTS are the same as those for thunderstorms.

Service Providers

VCTS is still of interest to the airport as there is an expectation of delays and possibly some sort of TMI issued. Depending on the storm’s location relative to the airport, the runway configuration could be affected which could result in reduced runway capacity. Airborne holds may also be experienced which can increase the risk for diversions away from the airport. Oftentimes, a neighboring airport may not have a TS forecast but are expected to accommodate a potential diversion - an airport authority will closely monitor another airports weather/traffic flow. For example, YOW is a popular diversionary airport for YUL.

Although convective activity may be forecast in the vicinity, there is still a chance for that activity to reach the airport depending on how the system moves. Even when in the vicinity, a storm can be close enough to the airport to make lightning a concern and impact ground handling operations. A PROB30/40/TEMPO can mean more direct impact to the airport operation (high winds, lightning, heavy rain) but a VCTS is indirect (flow of aircraft to and from the airport).

When considering impacts of thunderstorms at the hubs, VCTS has the same impact as over the field when considering arrival rates as thunderstorms on approach or leading to the approach is the major issue with thunderstorms, closing the approach will have the same effect as closing the airport. All indications of thunderstorms in the terminal area are monitored with the same intensity.

Smaller airports will be of less concern to NTMU as there isn’t the same demand, so it does not create the same issues as in the hubs.

ATC (Major Tower)

As an example, to the CYUL tower a TAF with VCTS is often considered as thunderstorms for the airport. With the size of the CYUL zone, there will be a thunderstorm somewhere in the Arrival or Departure axis. In addition, ADM's lightning detection system is sensitive enough that sometimes if the lightning falls 7 KM from the Airport, a lightning advisory can be triggered that will suspend ground operations on the airfield, known as a red alert, challenging the operation.

ATC (Regional Tower)

Same impacts as for squall lines/thunderstorms.

As part of the standard Briefing format, a Specialist will give an overview of the synoptic features affecting the proposed route of flight for the pilot. No matter what you’re flying, this part of the briefing will be the same, as it establishes overall situational awareness aka. the “big picture”, weather-wise. This briefing phase will also include significant threats to safety, such as potential or reported thunderstorms. The next phase of the briefing will get into details around the proposed time of departure at the point of origin, anticipated enroute conditions, and destination forecast conditions. An FSS can use the VCTS in a TAF as supplementary local information for the relevant aerodrome, providing the pilot with reinforcing advice regarding the potential threat.

The impact of thunderstorms varies depending on whether they directly affect the airport and the finals, or not. Storms in the vicinity still have an impact on the capacity to accommodate traffic in the terminal, but less markedly than when the airport is affected. In the end the determining factor is how much traffic, both inbound and outbound, is expected while thunderstorms are in the vicinity. Taking the same storm impacting just one area, the higher the traffic, the bigger the impact. Knowing that there is a thunderstorm risk will allow for controllers to prepare for the possibility of storms and deviations in the terminal area.

The knowledge that there will be thunderstorms in the vicinity of a major hub simply advises controllers that sector capacity may be reduced and the possibility for deviations and delays exists. A PROB30 or 40 percent probability for thunderstorms in the vicinity may not accurately describe the impacts on the enroute airspace as they are more specific to the aerodrome. As a result additional forecast products need to be consulted to better understand impacts and develop an operational plan.

If a forecast or observation for a smaller regional airport reports VCTS, controllers will pass the information to aircraft in the region and ask for PIREPs to confirm the presence of the storms. PIREPs will then be relayed to other aircraft in the region concerned.


VCTS is generally thought of as a lower weather impact (the weather is not believed to impact the airport) versus a PROB or TEMPO that would cross the field and halt arrival and departures.

Similar weather tools used to decipher thunderstorms are used to make operational decisions for VCTS. VCTS can make analyzing arrivals/departures difficult but can also make alternate planning a challenge as often times an air mass over a wide area can be unstable whereby all reasonably distanced alternate airports have a risk for TS to one extent or another. DX’s will scrutinize TAF’s for VCTS versus PROB’s, versus TEMPOS and a VCTS may be the most desirable. In general however an alternate with no thunderstorms forecast (to any degree) is most often used with some degree of additional fuel to allow for tactical changes.

VCTS tends to be broken down in two different scenarios:

Major Airports - While the risk of TS impact on the field itself is reduced, the likelihood of thunderstorms being in the terminal area is heightened which creates a risk of increased ATC workload, a requirement to reduce arrival rates and a higher likelihood of arrival delays.

  • Increased deviations/workload is difficult to quantify and so the amount of corresponding delay (or arrival rates) is also a challenge to understand, leading to important and sometimes challenging discussions during the collaborative decision making process.
  • VCTS might lead to a very difficult day at a major airport but sometimes storms move in such a way as to not cause difficulty- proactive cancellations would be unlikely.
  • Increased deviations and potential delays is also difficult to quantify in terms of how much fuel to board. Simply ‘filling up the tanks’ would not be efficient so at many airlines, guidance is provided within internal procedures. For example, if a flight (in the enroute) is set to cross a TCF low confidence, sparse polygon, a company policy might be to plan for 20 mins of extra fuel whereas a flight passing through a high confidence medium coverage polygon might be advised to add 30 minutes of contingency fuel or plan around the area of weather.
  • Planning fuel for thunderstorms is subjective and develops with a DX’s experience levels. At major airports, some airlines will plan their arrivals collaboratively, integrating all the weather expectations and ATC constraints so that an airline is planning a common fueling approach. This fuel planning policy is not necessarily unique to VCTS but thunderstorms in general.

Regional Airports - the risk of weather remains the same but the volume of flying is reduced, therefore the impact is less and the ATC delay complication is removed from the equation. If the challenge is solely weather based, it can generally be solved by increasing the fuel onboard to allow for lateral deviations on arrival or departure.

Same as for squall lines/thunderstorms. You might consider the PROBs, but since the consequences of getting caught in one are so serious there is a very low risk tolerance for this. In a weather observation like a METAR, VCTS signifies to General Aviation (GA) pilots that there are nearby storms and radar/the FIC can be consulted to help identify them and track them.

When on the TAF, it can have a more variable impact regardless of whether operating near a large or small airport because for a light GA pilot, a TS is still a risk and they must thoroughly obtain all information they can to make a risk assessment before or during flight. For a GA pilot there is little difference between a PROB/TEMPO for TSRA vs VCTS, for the reasons listed above. It can be argued that for a PROB, the condition is less likely to occur and for a TEMPO the condition will most likely occur, but as always, when dealing with significant weather events like thunderstorms, more information is required because the impact of thunderstorms can be significant for GA aircraft. For this same reason, VCTS should not usually be treated as a different level of uncertainty.