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Onshore Flow





Weather Symbol


Onshore flow can be responsible for the lowering or generation of cloud ceilings, affecting surface temperature and humidity, and initiating convection.



Air being pushed from over waters onto land, often increasing onshore humidity.

Associated terms coming soon:

Lake breeze, lake effect, low-pressure system, and mesoscale are all terms associated with onshore flow that will be coming soon to the Aviation Meteorology Reference.

Associated Terms


Onshore Flow


Dissipation Parameters

In the case of a lake/sea breeze circulation, this system will break down as surface temperatures cool and become more equal with those over water. This is often linked to the sun starting to set, or setting completely, which removes the strong pressure gradient that allowed the circulation to form in the first place. This could also occur if clouds move over the system, cutting off the solar radiation (although this slows the rate of cooling overnight, which might allow a weak circulation to last a few hours longer).

For synoptically driven onshore flow to cease, the overall pressure gradient must shift, such that winds are no longer directed straight onto the land from the water. Usually this requires synoptic scale features (low/high-pressure systems, troughs) or patterns to change locations, changing the shape of the pressure pattern at the surface, and redirecting winds.

The most significant wind shift that will improve low conditions generated by onshore flow is a shift to a directly “offshore” flow. Conversely to how onshore flow cools, condenses, and increases humidity at the surface, offshore winds cause slight warming, drying conditions. Offshore winds very effectively clear out low conditions, or improve cloud ceilings. Due to the drying effect, fog or mist can improve rapidly once offshore winds take hold.


Lake breeze circulations usually only survive on the order of hours, generally setting up in the early afternoon and diminishing close to sunset. They may last slightly longer if surface conditions can stay quite warm compared to the temperature of the water, but often break down overnight.

Synoptic circulation can cause onshore winds for several hours to several days at a time, depending on the overall speed and movement of the system.

While determining when synoptic winds will blow onshore from the water is fairly straightforward, determining the details of how and how quickly weather will change onshore can remain tricky.

Another forecasting challenge is determining whether the energy of the sun above the stratus is strong enough to break up the cloud deck. Intense sunshine can often allow just enough light to reach the surface such that it heats and lifts cloud ceilings to break up the cloud deck. However, a strong inversion can maintain very solid stratus decks. These two opposing forces are often difficult to quantify, and provided that solar energy is seasonally-dependent, it is not always evident which force will dominate.

Also challenging is determining exactly how quickly surface conditions will deteriorate in onshore flow. Data is often more limited over the ocean, so it is not always evident exactly how humid an incoming air mass is (more humid generally means it will condense and form low conditions more quickly). In cloudy situations, this is exacerbated further, since there are often few or no direct observations of conditions below the cloud deck, so it can be difficult to assess exact conditions that will be affected. Knowing exactly how quickly the surface will cool the air above it, too, can be challenging. 

Convection associated with onshore flow can be difficult to diagnose, as characteristics of air moving onshore are not always known (temperature or humidity). More complicated, is when air moves up into mountainous regions, where real data is sparse, and model data has a hard time capturing surface features due to the extreme variability of the terrain. Determining exactly where and if convection might form in onshore flow can be incredibly difficult under these conditions. 

Lastly, forecasting a lake breeze circulation comes with its own challenges. Trying to determine whether or not the thermal circulation will be able to overpower the existing pressure gradient is not always obvious.


No direct aviation hazards related to onshore flow. Indirect hazards from resultant phenomena can be found through the associated terms under the meteorology tab. 

Service Providers

Airport authorities observe the TAF, the Environment Canada weather website and when applicable their 3rd party contracted weather forecast service. The concern becomes the weather associated with onshore flow - such as fog.

Operations Duty Managers

Onshore flow can certainly impact operations at an airport, from low ceilings and visibilities to lake enhancement for precipitation rates and the development of lake breeze convergence zones. Airports in the vicinity of large bodies of water are more susceptible to this type of weather and may see impacts/delays as a result. The crucial element becomes the type of weather (if any) associated with the onshore flow, its start and end time, and its intensity.

Forecaster notes will most often refer to onshore flow at the four majors, and their formation can also be seen in TAFs. For example in CYYZ, lake breeze events but any combination of SE winds off of Lake Ontario coupled with snow or low temp/dew point spreads in the TAF are also good indicators. This usually precipitates a discussion with the forecaster and/or the analysis of atmospheric models to determine timing and extent of the phenomenon. Visibility and snow ratios are critical factors for operations. Another example is Winnipeg (CYWG) in winter before Lake Winnipeg freezes up, where there is the risk of lake-effect snow. Unless we are getting wind from 330 – 030 it really has no impact on CYWG. 

Visual METAR tools (ADDS, or Wx Map on HubWx) provide high-glance value for prevailing or localized events. Visual satellite imagery or weather cams can also provide enhanced situational awareness of conditions over the lake or at nearby airfields. The visual TAF on HubWx also provides excellent visual cues of lake breeze potential at YYZ. These types of tools help Operations Duty Managers anticipate potential wind shifts, which can lead to changes in weather (possible convection/low ceilings/visibilities etc) and/or runway configuration changes. All of these, depending on the number of aircraft expected in that timeframe, could lead to delays.

This term could indicate a possibility of fog, if fog is expected or even a slight concern that would not qualify as a PROB30 (30% probability of occurrence) in a TAF, mentioning it in other forecast products or on calls becomes critical.


When onshore flow occurs as a result of lake breeze formation, this effect can have significant impact on floatplane operations. Once the sun sets and the earth begins to cool, the onshore cycle begins to break down. As the earth gradually becomes cooler than the adjacent body of water, the reverse process begins, perceived by an observer on the ground as a steady offshore breeze. This is more a summer phenomenon, as Winter in most of Canada generally eliminates temperature differential between Land and Water. For larger scale patterns that yield onshore flow, a FIC’s Local Area Knowledge is a big part of communicating impacts to crew.


Advisory specialists are always cognizant of mesoscale features like Onshore Flow, and what effects those features can bring to the airport and surrounding areas. We try to adapt our advisories to those potentials, and even adjust our plan to accommodate changes that a shift to an onshore flow might bring.


Dispatchers and pilots both need a strong knowledge of the topography of a region to be able to anticipate weather and its impacts. A significant number of airports in Canada are impacted by onshore flow, and depending on the associated weather can cause significant delays and/or cancellations.

For example, in Nunavik, all airports are on the coast and onshore flow has a big impact on weather in this area. To understand the weather forecast, dispatchers use METAR, LWIS and GFA to analyze how they will be affected.

A consideration on the West and East Coast airports, or any in the vicinity of a large body of water. Seasonally, we can see the presence of fog on the West Coast in the fall, or of possible thunderstorms inland of the Great Lakes. Often, we will be given a PROB30 but pilots are also likely to use their local knowledge and experience to plan for the weather to deteriorate in specific conditions.