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Pressure Gradient





Weather Symbol


A pressure gradient is largely responsible for air circulation (wind) and is a good indicator of how forceful winds will be over the area of interest, with a “tight” gradient (a large change in atmospheric pressure over a shorter horizontal distance) indicating generally very fast and strong winds.

The shape of the pressure gradient can also aid in determining general wind direction around high and low-pressure systems; however, this can be modified by local effects, topography, and significant weather.

Gap winds and wind channeling are small scale but can both cause significant wind shear and turbulence.



The pressure gradient is the rate of change of atmospheric pressure over a horizontal distance.

Wind channeling is the increase in wind speed that occurs due to the constricting of air passing through a narrow topographical feature (such as a valley) or man-made feature (such as tall buildings). 

Associated terms coming soon:

Low-pressure system, high-pressure system, and wind channeling are all terms associated with a pressure gradient that will be coming soon to the Aviation Meteorology Reference.

Associated Terms


Pressure Gradient


There’s no particular climatology related to pressure gradients in general, since they can happen anywhere and span huge regions, however there are a few regions that are more likely to get wind channeling.

Deep valleys through which winds can be forced are prime locations for wind channeling to occur, such as narrow straits, fjords (BC coast, Newfoundland, etc.), long river valleys, or mountain valleys (Rocky Mountains, Long Range mountains, etc.).

Wind channeling through valleys can be set up either by a large pressure change from one end of topography to the other (eg. a H and L on opposite ends of a large river/water body, or on either side of a mountain range), or prevailing winds being forced into and through terrain.

There is sometimes a challenge in forecasting these persistent ridges, and the resulting blocking pattern often leads to very tight pressure gradients and very strong winds between approaching lows and quasi-stationary highs.

In the case of wind channeling, over large surfaces the effect can be fairly easily accounted for, but in mountainous regions where terrain is incredibly complex and data is extremely sparse, it can be difficult to adequately describe and verify the extent of the valley winds. While determining the directional shear is not so difficult when the orientation of a valley is known, the extremity of the speed difference can be very difficult to forecast, especially with limited observations.


Possible turbulence, loss of lift, gain/loss in speed, and/or incorrect altimeter setting due to pressure changes resulting in erroneous altitude reading. 

Service Providers

Operations Duty Managers

CYYZ - used to determine the location of the steepest gradient to identify wind speed and direction changes in comparison with the TAF. Preference for Aviation Weather Centre prog charts as they have a more continental perspective.

CYUL - The pressure gradient is especially critical and checked in Montreal for two reasons:

  • In winter months, a solid pressure gradient with the right high/low setup sets the stage for potential freezing precipitation events. This will keep northeasterly winds at the airport and support these impactful phenomena, and makes uncertainty and planning crucial.
  • Potential for compression on final, year-round. This has occurred without the presence of a low-level jet, as winds remain northeasterly in the valley, while only a few thousand feet up the direction can be from the opposite direction. These events can “sneak up” on us as they don’t have classic signatures but can have significant impacts.
  • Analyzed for wind magnitude and direction

This is a primary tool for briefers to estimate wind velocity at locations away from regular weather observation sites, such as for bush pilots or fire fighting operations. If the pressure gradient is steep enough Weather Observers include remarks of PRESRR/PRESFR in the METAR. Advisory specialists will issue a new ATIS message if the altimeter setting changes by .04inHG or more.


The pressure gradient would be identified in a surface analysis or GFA most typically and would indicate strong winds, the wind direction and a risk of mechanical turbulence.

  • When this is over terrain the effects of this can be particularly difficult to operate in.
  • At a major airport, a strong pressure gradient might infer compression issues but this would be the sole difference when considering operating to a major or regional airport in regards to this term.

When wind speed and direction is critical, TAF’s are relied upon heavily and when crosswinds are critical, consultation with weather models and CMAC forecasters is often used to gauge forecaster confidence and potential forecast variability.

The average general aviation (GA) pilot (in non mountainous areas) doesn’t usually analyze pressure gradients on surface maps.

  • We are aware that the pressure in an area has an effect on our altimeter, but most VFR GA flights on light single engine airplanes do not cover a large distance and changes in pressure are often neglected over these distances.
  • At most the pilot will set the altimeter on takeoff and readjust it on landing if there is a change. However, it should be noted that the passage of a high or low pressure system will have an impact on in-flight operations and more experienced GA pilots should be aware of this.

Depending on the size of the pressure gradient, the change in pressure could be significant enough to cause a hazard, especially if this occurs during a flight.

  • If the pilot is flying in conjunction with the passage of a pressure system and they had not planned for this during their pre-flight, they may unknowingly be flying at an incorrect altitude. Furthermore, if the flight is taking place at low altitude or near terrain or mountainous areas there is an increased risk. Rigorous pre-flight planning and consultation of proper maps and with FIC specialists helps minimize that risk. Once pilots have made it to their destination, if there is a method of obtaining the correct altimeter setting (tower, Flight Service Station FSS, Automated Weather Observation Station), this would reduce the risk of flying at an incorrect altitude. 
  • However, many GA flights will terminate in an uncontrolled airport without any supporting pressure information, and this will undoubtedly affect the final approach. They may either end up too high or too low on the approach. If too high, it will require the pilot to quickly and often unsafely descend, or to miss the approach entirely. If too low there is a risk of collision with obstacles or terrain on the approach.
  • For VFR/Floatplane pilots GFA pressure gradient indications are helpful, but most of us are using WINDY for wind direction and speed forecasts. It’s pretty good for the most part and easier to visualize than interpreting the GFA.