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Clear Air Turbulence





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Aircraft turbulence can provoke physiological discomfort (fatigue, nausea, vision difficulties, strains), handling problems (yawing, pitching and rolling from uneven accelerations, changing airspeed and vertical accelerations, stalling, and loss of control), and structural stresses on the aircraft.



High level (generally above FL180) wind shear turbulence associated with the jet stream. Instantaneous wind speeds exhibit irregular variations that cause erratic bumpiness, ascent and subsidence and rapid changes which can result in a significant gain or loss of airspeed.

Associated Terms


Clear Air Turbulence



Clear air turbulence will become less severe when the winds in the jet stream weaken or when the jet stream becomes more zonal (when there are less ridges and troughs within the jet stream).


Clear air turbulence is somewhat irregular in nature and thus if a pilot chooses to fly a few thousand feet higher or lower than where they experienced turbulence or tens of miles farther away from the area of maximum winds, they can find themselves in more stable airflow and limit the turbulence they are encountering.

The conditions in which clear air turbulence can exist, since they are dependent on large scale features, can last up to a few days. However, strength of the turbulence can fluctuate during its lifetime.

The jet stream will generally be stronger in the winter months due to the larger temperature difference between the poles and the equator. With stronger jet streams we have stronger winds and thus are more likely to encounter clear air turbulence in the winter months. Recent studies have indicated that climate change will likely increase the occurrences and extent of clear air turbulence as temperature extremes become more common across the globe.

As you will see in the examples, turbulence PIREPs are incredibly useful for forecasters to confirm a suspected area turbulence. Pilots are encouraged to issue PIREPs to help maintain the safety of the air navigation system.

The severity of clear air turbulence is somewhat subjective, which can make it difficult for a forecaster to predict the severity that would be reported by an aircraft flying through a likely turbulent area. While forecasters scientifically associate certain wind shear values with moderate and severe turbulence, however, it is evident that various aircraft will experience these thresholds in differently (large aircraft are usually less sensitive to turbulence).

When clear air turbulence is expected, a severe turbulence SIGMET will be issued. If the forecaster receives a PIREP confirming the location of the clear air turbulence, with SIGMET will be an ‘observed’ SIGMET. If the SIGMET is based on model guidance and satellite imagery indicators, the SIGMET will be issued as a ‘forecast’ SIGMET.

Clear air turbulence will often be forecast close to the jet maxima. Model guidance usually over-forecast regions of clear air turbulence, and satellite signatures not do not necessarily indicate the severity of CAT within the air mass. Forecasters rely heavily on PIREPs to validate CAT forecasts, which are often unavailable since pilots will avoid encountering turbulence when able. Forecast clear air turbulence SIGMETs are scrutinized before transmission, as meteorologists are cognizant that large SIGMETs at high altitude can compromise many flight paths.


Turbulence, airframe damage, possible air sickness and/or injury to passengers on-board. 

Service Providers

Operations Duty Managers

Increased workload for ATC due to issuing turbulence reports and finding alternate altitudes.

High level weather is always included in the supervisor briefings, which occur regularly for all ATC unit supervisors and the on-duty ACC Operations Duty Manager. Charts used in these briefings:

  • GFAs
  • CDN Turbulence Forecast
  • Turbulence Guidance - AWC

NTMU would take no specific action for CAT, other than having discussions with sector supervisors when it may impact holding capabilities.

For enroute also no action, other than if would be pointed out to sector supervisors if discussing taking on additional traffic such as CAN Routes.

  • CAT may cause additional workload in these sectors and would be considered when assessing additional volumes if any through SWAP routes.
  • Additionally it would be taken into consideration if holding was anticipated for the hubs and how it may affect sectors abilities to hold.


At Flight Information Centres which have FISE duties, an effective weather watch must include awareness of potential CAT-producing high-altitude phenomena. This includes, but is not limited to, the track of jet streams including areas of significant change in wind velocity (sharp bends can produce areas of significant shear turbulence). Once detected, the Enroute FISE Specialist will advise the relevant Area Control Centre (ACC) Sector of their analysis and request detailed PIREPS to confirm the presence (or absence) of CAT. The sooner these PIREPS are disseminated, dispatchers, controllers and ATM can make appropriate adjustments to route management for safety, and Canadian Meteorological Aviation Centre meteorologists can issue observed SIGMETs if required. 

With strong westerly flows across the Rocky Mountains, gravity waves can propagate as far as 350 miles downstream, extending well into Saskatchewan airspace. One would anticipate these effects associated with lenticular clouds, but a deep dry airmass may leave an observer with no visual cue as to the presence or intensity of flow aloft, until actually entering the area of CAT. 

Knowledge of the active Synoptic features upstream and within the area of responsibility, attention to any related SIGMETS, monitoring/soliciting PIREPS and keeping an eye on Satellite Imagery for telltale signs of upstream Mountain Wave activity assist FSS in early detection of potential mid-level CAT development. 

Clear air turbulence does not often impact day-to-day operations for low level en-route. When receiving a daily weather briefing, controllers will be aware of the possibility that some CAT can occur. A controller will ask pilots for PIREPs in the forecast areas and, if there is some turbulence, pass the information to other aircraft.

The tools of choice for the CAT are the high level wind charts, turbulence forecasts, as well as the forecast of the jet current since the lateral limits of the latter are often associated with CAT zones.

This weather condition is a high-impact and often seen occurrence in high-level airspace that occurs almost daily.

  • CAT can be easy to communicate but heightens the workload for ATC in passing flight conditions and PIREPs to crew and responding to requests for route deviations. One mitigation to this is to further break down the airspace into smaller sectors with more controllers working. In the most severe cases entire sections of airspace may be closed. Smooth altitudes aren’t always available depending on the traffic levels.
  • Although forecasts are helpful in the planning phase to anticipate operations, ATC won’t change a flight's trajectory until a concern exists or the pilot asks. The best information comes directly from the pilots themselves.
  • The impact of clear air turbulence lies in its extent. A mere 30nm zone of light turbulence will have almost no impact on users. However, it is not uncommon to have an affected area of airspace with large dimensions (400nm long, 250nm wide and 8000 ft in height). In this case, the pilot's patience is required. In some cases, pilots prefer to descend below FL280, which has an impact on fuel consumption, rather than flying in undesirable flight conditions.

In the absence of a defined zone of CAT, it can be challenging for ATC to determine optimal altitude deviations that might improve flight conditions. This is where pilot reports become integral. With those, users can be notified in a timely manner and flight paths modified by changing altitude and/or route when possible.


CAT is an important consideration for a DX’s flight plan and in general the following priorities are observed when planning in and around CAT:

  • Safety - avoiding CAT of a moderate to severe level is the highest priority
  • Passenger comfort
  • Efficiency

Many weather forecasting products are used to determine where CAT may be present- the most common products are:

  • GFAs
  • CDN Turbulence Forecast
  • Graphical Turbulence Guidance
  • Flight planning software

 Efforts are made to avoid mod-severe turbulence as much as possible which generally require:

  • Altitude changes to lower levels (increased fuel burn / cost).
  • Route changes (less frequent as turbulence tends to be over such a broad area as to make this mitigation unpractical).
  • Often turbulence is of such a large vertical profile as to be unavoidable in which case a heavy reliance on PIREPS is required to find the ‘smoothest’ levels.
  • In all mitigation efforts, workload and fuel carriage increases.

PIREPS are important when trying to find the smoothest flying levels. While there are many aircraft operating through a specific area of airspace, PIREPS aren’t always formally input into the general aviation network so getting a collection of PIREPS requires an active search like calling other carriers / ATC.

Clear air turbulence is often experienced when crossing a jet stream. Similar to mountain waves, dispatch is relied on to advise pilots of areas of known CAT. Pilots are operationally restricted to enter an area of reported severe turbulence.

Jet stream turbulence is not common for turboprop aircraft as the jet stream is usually at an altitude above the certified ceiling. On occasion a low level jet stream can be encountered in the lower flight levels, usually during the winter months.

  • Altitude changes are requested primarily for aircraft safety, though passenger comfort is also taken into consideration.

Turbulence forecasts (higher flight levels), SIGMETS, pilot and ATC reports are ways pilots avoid clear air turbulence. High shear values on the company flight planning software may indicate turbulence as well. Ride reports are helpful to determine the best altitudes to avoid clear air turbulence.

Pilot actions when encountering CAT:

  • In extreme drafts, large altitude changes may occur. Do not make sudden large control inputs. Corrective actions to regain the desired attitude should be smooth and deliberate.
  • Altitude variations are likely in severe turbulence and should be allowed to occur if terrain clearance is adequate. Control airplane attitude first, then make corrections for airspeed, altitude, and heading.

One of the main aspects of flight planning we spend time on for passenger flights is turbulence. From publicly available information, we will look at SIGMETs, PIREPs and High SigWx charts. Typically, those will focus on high severity occurrences (moderate to severe turbulence), although we also take into consideration light to moderate chop in our planning. Also, moderate turbulence is not always captured by high SigWx charts. Airlines will also have other products available (eg: WSI) which will be considered. Below is more detailed information, shared as these tools are part of everyday operations, during flight planning and in flight, though the specific tools used and available varies depending on the company.

  • First, we have the Turbulence Auto-PIREP System (TAPS). Aircrafts equipped will measure the acceleration and send the data. An Eddy-Dissipation rate (EDR) will be calculated and referenced against a scale to determine the severity. That data is shown as events on our weather map, detailing also the altitude, temperature, wind speed and aircraft type. Secondly, WSI has its own forecast model and one of the outputs is a turbulence forecast. We have both a horizontal and a vertical cross-section along our flight path, depicting the altitude, location, and severity of the forecast turbulence. This tool is the most useful when looking forward in time. They also issue a Flight Plan Guidance chart (FPG) which is a typically reliable source for moderate turbulence. We also look at the tropopause height. Flying near or through the tropopause typically generates some turbulence. If we notice that we will be flying level near the tropopause, we can look at varying the altitude if we start encountering the turbulence. We can also send narrative PIREPs to our dispatchers which span over an area of turbulence. They can be used to plan future flights at a different altitude. They will relay that information to our own aircrafts flying in the area.

For a flight, we take all those sources into account to assess turbulence, hence this long enumeration. If only one source suggests significant turbulence in an area, we might keep it in the back of our mind, but we might not plan around it. When multiple sources are correlated and showing moderate to severe turbulence in an area, that's when we start planning around the area, or at a different altitude. If uncertainty exists due to disagreements in between sources, our dispatcher can add contingency fuel to give us leeway to change altitude to avoid reported turbulence. For a medium or long-haul flight, the dispatcher's flight planning might have been done 6 hours or even more before flying to an area where there is a potential of turbulence. Adding contingency fuel for turbulence is the most appropriate mitigation flight planning element in that case.

For jet-stream or orographic generated CAT, reports from other pilots will be our most reliable source for avoidance. Those reports are live data for an area and will help us decide which altitude will be more suitable to fly at.

High altitude CAT area generated by thunderstorm cells will be typically downwind, and near or above the top of the anvil. As we approach a cell, we will use our airborne radar to look at which route shows less precipitation return, but also take into consideration the winds aloft to avoid passing downwind of the cell, preferably. If we deviate upwind, we will be evaluating our altitude relative to the top of the anvil. If we are above the anvil and there is an overshooting top, those are the conditions when we can expect turbulence downwind of the cell. The resulting flow around an overshooting top could be compared to a wind blowing above and around a mountain. We can observe small lenticular clouds. If the flow is laminar, the flight condition can be like a mountain wave area. Further downwind will be the safer option but the flow is more likely to have become turbulent. We can use the same mitigation strategy if we expect the area to be turbulent: fly to an airspeed which gives us the safest margin, put the seat belts sign on pre-emptively.