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Flight Information

Content on this website is static and historical and is not meant for operational use. Please contact your local Flight Information Centre (FIC) for all interpretive weather briefings, NOTAMs, AIP supplements, AICs, and Service Notices.

1-866-WXBRIEF (1-866-992-7433)
1-866-GOMÉTÉO (1-866-466-3836)
Kamloops FIC: 1-866-541-4101 or 250-376-8392
Edmonton FIC: 1-866-541-4102 or 780-890-8386
London FIC: 1-866-541-4104 or 519-452-4040
Quebec FIC (bilingual service): 1-866-541-4105 or 418-871-8678

Information about abbreviations and non-meteorological aviation terms is available on Terminav, NAV CANADA’s terminology database.

See all terms

Review all terms on the Aviation Meteorology Reference

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If you have questions, feedback or would like to contribute information to the Aviation Meteorology Reference, please contact NAV CANADA's Weather Applications Team at

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